Hama Products

Contains approx 210 beads, large pegboard, bead supports and ironing paper

Contains approx 210 beads, large pegboard, bead supports and ironing paper

Contains approx 210 beads, large pegboard, bead supports and ironing paper

Contains approx 210 beads, large pegboard, bead supports and ironing paper

Approx 1,100 beads 1 pegboard, instructions and ironing paper

Approx 1,100 beads 1 pegboard, instructions and ironing paper

Approx 1,100 beads 1 pegboard, instructions and ironing paper

Approx 1,100 beads 1 pegboard, instructions and ironing paper

Approx 1,100 beads 1 pegboard, instructions and ironing paper

This has been developed for younger children who require a bigger size bead for their small fingers.

This has been developed for younger children who require a bigger size bead for their small fingers.

Approx 2000 beads, 2 pegboards, a colour printed design sheet, instructions and ironing paper

Contains: beads, pegboards, bead supports, design sheet and ironing paper.
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